Welcome home to our GlenHills community website!
You asked and we acted:
You told us you wanted an open line of communication between neighbors and friends. You said you’d like a FAQ section, so here it is. You said you’d appreciate a forum for community news and events and we heard you. You expressed the need for a direct conduit to your president and board and we provided.
A shout out to Matt Cieutat who launched this home page and Jeff Worboys who has volunteered as webmaster. I also want to begin by thanking the members of our interim board for their support during this very busy and productive summer. Together we have made significant progress in moving forward and building bridges between us and our master HOA through the significant efforts of Erin Gilmore, our new GlenLakes Licensed Community Manager.
Have you taken a walk around GlenHills recently and appreciated the beauty we share here? The shaded arch of the live oaks at the entrance; the expanse of our green spaces framed by our award-winning golf course. And then there’s the added amenity of our sparkling pool and shaded pavilion that can seat 40+ people, with a large gas BBQ grill available to all for both private and public parties.
But the beating heart of a community is its people. Snapshots of neighbor supporting neighbor; laughter and and happy shouts coming from the pool; a friendly wave to neighbors new and old. And yes, the sadness of saying goodbye to those who have passed, most recently Curtis Cressman and Mark McEntee.
The fact is, it does take a village: It takes a committed village to resolve to view challenges and problems through a lens of positivity, seeking creative solutions. Hopefully we will move forward in unity as a community with common goals: to preserve that which we have and build equity in the future. As your interim president I remain approachable, accessible, and pledge to respond to all inquiries and problems in a timely manner.
It’s an honor and pleasure to help and serve you in any way that I can…
Jim Baird